In this entertaining talk for youth, popular speaker and teacher Andrew Horton talks about three Deciding, Declaring, and Discovering‚ that will help us be true to ourselves and be firm in our testimonies of the gospel. Drawing on enlightening stories and examples from his life, teachings from the scriptures, and his trademark humor, Brother Horton illustrates how following these three Ds can help us weather the storms of life. He tells the hilarious story of when, as a kindergartner on a playground merry-go-round, he discovered that no matter how fast the sixth-graders spun him, he was fine as long as he stayed in the middle. But as soon as he started moving toward the outer edge of the merrygo- round, he couldn't withstand the forces that were pulling him away. Too often in life, says Brother Horton, the world is spinning very quickly, and we think we can try this and try that, and slowly we move away from the center. We get too close to the edge and that is where the danger lies. He says that friends can either drag us to the edge, or, if they are true friends, they can help us stay safely centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ.